Household Tasks
Assistance With Household Tasks in Cairns, Greater Regions of Mareeba to Innisfail and Other QLD Suburbs
Are you searching for an organisation that provides household assistance to individuals under NDIS? Now is the time to get in touch with Clinicare QLD, one of the most reputable names offering comprehensive assistance with household tasks in Cairns and greater regions such as Mareeba, Atherton to Innisfail.

We support participants with various tasks. If you are seeking support under the scheme and want to become independent by developing the day-to-day skills required to accomplish all household tasks, now is the right time to connect with us.

What’s Included in Our Household Tasks Assistance Service?
In our household tasks assistance service, our specialist support workers will help you with:
  • Organising Homes
  • Cleaning bathrooms, rooms, toilets, showers, baths, etc.
  • Wiping and dust removal
  • Dishwashing
  • Laundry and ironing
  • Changing the covers of the bed and sofa
  • Preparing for meals
  • Maintaining the house
  • Gardening
  • Shopping
  • Garbage disposal
  • Cleaning the backyard, etc.
To make the household support service effective, our support workers will tailor the service as per your requirements. And apart from assisting you with these tasks, our professionals will ensure that you develop daily living and life skills that will help you accomplish the mentioned tasks.
Why Select Our Household Assistance Program?
Choose our household assistance service since
  • We help participants with all domestic tasks in their homes
  • We help our participants attentively
  • We help develop daily life and living skills while assisting them with various tasks
If you have queries regarding the service, feel free to get in touch with us now.
Book an Appointment Now
To book an appointment with us regarding household tasks assistance, send us an email or call us now.